Home Grammar What are the adjective questions?

What are the adjective questions?

What are the adjective questions?


Realizing the adjective questions will provide help to perceive and determine adjectives.

Earlier than we take a look at the questions, we have to just remember to keep in mind what adjectives are. Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. 

Grammar Poster of Adjectives (includes sentence diagramming)

The clevergood-looking owl had orange eyes.

The, clever, and good-looking are adjectives telling us extra concerning the noun owl

Orange is an adjective telling us extra concerning the noun eyes

What Are the Adjective Questions?

Adjectives often reply one of many following questions concerning the noun or pronoun that they’re modifying.

The Adjective Questions

 Which one?
What type?
What number of?

The Adjective Questions

Utilizing the Adjective Questions

Which one(s)?

Alice wore the colourful outfit.

  • Which outfit? thecolourful

The and colourful are adjectives modifying the noun outfit

(The is a particular form of adjective referred to as an article. and an are additionally articles.)

What type?

Alice ate child meals. 

Child is an adjective modifying the noun meals.

Word that phrases can act as totally different components of speech in numerous sentences.

On this sentence, child is an adjective, however it’s also possible to use child as a noun (She is our child.) or a verb (Do not child me!).

What number of?

Alice drank a number of sips of water.

A number of is an adjective modifying the noun sips.


I can not discover Alice’s toys.

Alice’s is an adjective telling us extra concerning the noun toys.

(Alice’s is a possessive noun functioning as an adjective.)

Adjectives & Diagramming Sentences

Sentence diagrams give us a solution to present how the phrases in our sentences are associated to one another. Diagramming adjectives helps you see that they modify nouns and pronouns. Adjectives go on a slanted line underneath the noun or pronoun that they’re modifying.

Sentence Diagram

We had scorching espresso and two eggs for breakfast.

  • Sizzling is an adjective describing the noun espresso. (What sort of espresso? scorching espresso)
  • Two is an adjective modifying the noun eggs. (What number of eggs? two eggs)
Sentence diagram of compound adjectives

My inexperienced and white guide fell.

  • My, inexperienced, and white are adjectives modifying the noun guide. (Whose guide? my guide) (Which guide? inexperienced and white guide)

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