Home Grammar What are goal enhances?

What are goal enhances?

What are goal enhances?


We’re tackling a grammar matter that you’ve got most likely by no means heard of: goal enhances.

Make sure you take the quick quiz on the backside of this web page after you watch the video or learn the lesson.

Let’s begin with an instance. Are you able to determine the perform of all the phrases within the following sentence?

We named our daughter Alice.

We = pronoun & topic

named = transitive energetic verb

our = possessive pronoun/adjective

daughter = noun & direct object

Alice = ?

David O'Brien and baby Alice

This was taken proper after Alice was born.

In the event you’ve been learning grammar, you had been most likely in a position to determine Alice as a noun, however had been you in a position to determine what perform Alice is serving within the sentence? Alice is one thing known as an goal complement

What’s an goal complement?

An goal complement is a noun or adjective that completes the that means of the verb and modifies, names, or renames the direct object. (Since these modify, identify, or rename direct objects, you may solely discover them in sentences which have direct objects. That additionally means the sentence can have a transitive energetic verb.)

When the target complement is an adjective, its perform is to explain the direct object. Within the sentence beneath, the adjective glad is an goal complement describing me.

This music makes me glad.

When the target complement is a noun, its perform is to rename the direct object. Within the sentence beneath, the noun mayor is an goal complement renaming the noun uncle

They elected my uncle mayor.

Now I will quiz you! Are you prepared? Have a look at the sentence beneath and see when you can pick the verb, the direct object, and the target complement. For bonus factors, work out if the target complement is a noun or an adjective. 

We contemplate you good associates.

How did that go? Have been you in a position to say that contemplate is the verb, you is the direct object, and associates is the target complement? In the event you recognized associates as a noun, you additionally get bonus factors. Yay!

Goal Enhances & The Expletive As

Typically, goal enhances are launched by the phrase as. In these instances, as is one thing known as an expletive. On the earth of grammar, an expletive is an empty phrase. It is a phrase that serves a perform, however would not carry that means. Listed here are two examples of expletives introducing goal enhances

I launched him as Mr. O’Brien.

They elected my uncle as mayor

Sentence Diagramming

Sentence diagrams are photos of sentences. These photos present us the construction of the sentence.

To diagram an goal complement (OC), lengthen the horizontal line that holds the topic, verb, and direct object. Draw a slanted line between the direct object and the target complement. 

objective complement sentence diagram
objective complement sentence diagramWe named our daughter Alice.

If the target complement is launched by the expletive as, diagram as on a line floating above the target complement and join it to the target complement slot with a vertical, dotted line.

Sentence diagram of an objective complement introduced by the expletive "as"
Example sentence and sentence diagram of an objective complement introduced by the expletive "as"I launched him as Mr. O’Brien.

Psst! There’s one other method that goal enhances have been diagrammed, and I needed to indicate you that as nicely. (I favor the tactic above, however when you’ve already realized to diagram them this fashion, it is effective too.)

Sentence diagram object complement
What is an objective complement? How do you add them to a sentence diagram?

It is Time For A Quiz

Do not be a passive learner. The finest method to study one thing is to actively check your self. Give it a strive with the quiz beneath.


Establish every phrase within the following sentence. In the event you’ve already realized diagram sentences, you also needs to diagram them. You may discover the solutions just under this part. 

1. I painted my room pink.

2. The scholars saved the room tidy.

3. His household calls him Dave. 

4. My dad made the chili very spicy.

5. Margo dyed her hair pink.

Diagramming sentences and actively recalling what you are studying are two of the parts in our hottest grammar program. You needn’t know any grammar to get began, so there is not any have to be intimidated. Test it out if you would like a done-for-you curriculum created and introduced by yours really. 

Okay, are you able to test your work?

Quiz Solutions


objective complement sentence diagram

I painted my room pink.

I = pronoun & topic

painted = transitive energetic verb

my = possessive pronoun/adjective

room = noun & direct object

pink = adjective & OC


Sentence Diagram "The students kept the room tidy."

The scholars saved the room tidy.

college students = noun & topic 

The = adjective 

saved = transitive energetic verb

the = adjective

room = noun & direct object

tidy = adjective & OC


objective complement sentence diagram

 His household calls him Dave. 

household = noun & topic 

Hispossessive pronoun/adjective

calls = transitive energetic verb

him = pronoun & direct object

Dave = noun & OC


objective complement sentence diagram

My dad made the chili very spicy!

dad = noun & topic 

My = possessive pronoun/adjective

made = transitive energetic verb

chili = noun & direct object

the = adjective

spicy = adjective & OC

very = adverb


Sentence Diagram "Margo dyed her hair pink."

Margo dyed her hair pink. 

Margo = noun & topic 

dyed = transitive energetic verb

her = adjective

hair = noun & direct object

pink = adjective & OC

If you would like to karate chop your method by means of grammar, it is advisable take a look at our Get Good Grammar Program!

It will prevent time and heartache, and it’ll deliver you well-earned confidence. 

The Get Smart Grammar Program
