Home Italian Language The right way to Say “Completely satisfied Ladies’s Day!” in Italian

The right way to Say “Completely satisfied Ladies’s Day!” in Italian

The right way to Say “Completely satisfied Ladies’s Day!” in Italian


Worldwide Ladies’s Day, which has been yearly noticed each March eighth since 1911, is a celebration of the financial, political and social contributions of ladies in society, in addition to a name to motion to boost consciousness about continued inequality, stereotypes, and discrimination.

In Italian, at the present time is formally often called La giornata internazionale della donna which accurately means “the worldwide day of ladies”. Nonetheless, in ads, press releases and on a regular basis Italian, it’s rather more frequent to listen to it known as la Festa della Donna, a reputation not everybody appreciates since the phrase festa (celebration) is related to merrymaking and festivities, fairly than deep reflection and appreciation.

how to say happy women's day in italian

With that stated, there are two doable methods you’ll be able to want somebody a Completely satisfied Worldwide Ladies’s Day in Italian, each of which comprise the phrase donna (lady). Extra formally, you’ll be able to say:

Buona giornata internazionale della donna!

Completely satisfied Worldwide Ladies’s Day!

Or, extra informally, you’ll be able to go for the greeting:

Buona Festa della Donna!

Completely satisfied Ladies’s Day!

In both case, Italians use the female adjective buona (actually “good” or on this case “joyful”) to show the phrases into a correct greeting.

The Mimosa – The Italian Ladies’s Day Flower

A vivid reminiscence I’ve from my time residing in Italy is strolling by means of Piazza Vittorio in Torino on Worldwide Ladies’s Day and receiving small bunches of honey-scented yellow flowers from male strangers and pals alike. I quickly discovered that this flower was known as mimosa and that males observe the vacation by giving them to ladies, even random passers-by apparently!

The custom originated in 1946 with communist politician Teresa Mattei, who felt that the French symbols of Worldwide Ladies’s Day, viole (violets) and mughetti (lilies of the valley), had been too scarce and costly for the poor rural inhabitants of Italy, so she proposed the mimosa (plural: mimose) as a extra inexpensive different.

Portrait of a young woman in a beige coat and hat with a bouquet of mimosa in her hands.

Well-known Quotes for Worldwide Ladies’s Day

Frasi Famose per la Festa della Donna

Under you will discover ten of our favorite well-known quotes for Worldwide Ladies’s Day. You possibly can embody them in a greeting card, say them out loud to a robust lady in your life, or just take pleasure in studying them!

Se gli uomini fossero belli ed intelligenti, si chiamerebbero donne.

If males had been stunning and clever, they’d be known as ladies.

– Audrey Hepburn

8 marzo. Uomini, oltre alle mimose portate anche il rispetto.

eighth of March. Males, along with mimosas, additionally present (actually: carry) respect.

– Giuseppe Donadei

Senza il sorriso delle donne, il mondo sarebbe eternamente buio.

With out ladies’s smiles, the world could be eternally darkish.

– Fabrizio Caramagna

Essere donna è così affascinante… È un’avventura che richiede un story coraggio, una sfida, che non finisce mai.

Being a lady is so fascinating… It’s an journey that requires such braveness, a problem, that by no means ends.

– Oriana Fallaci

Quando si scrive delle donne bisogna intingere la penna nell’arcobaleno e asciugare la pagina con la polvere delle ali delle farfalle.

Once you write about ladies it’s a must to dip your pen within the rainbow and dry the web page with the mud of butterfly wings.

– Denis Diderot

Noi donne rappresentiamo il 50% della popolazione e siamo le madri dell’altro 50%. Cari uomini, guardatevi intorno: ci sono donne dappertutto. Avete veramente bisogno dell’8 Marzo per ricordarvi che le donne esistono?

We girls symbolize 50% of the inhabitants and we’re the moms of the opposite 50%. Expensive males, go searching you: there are ladies all over the place. Do you actually need March eighth to remind you that ladies exist?

– Lucina Di Meco

Una donna dovrebbe essere due cose: chi e cosa vuole.

A lady needs to be two issues; what and who she needs.

– Coco Chanel

Le donne sono una vite su cui gira tutto.

Ladies are a screw on which all the things turns.

– Lev Tolstoj

La donna è come una bustina di tè, non si può dire quanto è forte fino a che non la si mette nell’acqua bollente.

A girl is sort of a tea bag – you’ll be able to’t inform how sturdy she is till you place her in sizzling water.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Le donne che hanno cambiato il mondo non hanno mai avuto bisogno di mostrare nulla, se non la loro intelligenza.

The ladies who’ve modified the world by no means wanted to indicate something however their intelligence.

– Rita Levi Montalcini
