Home Spanish Language Spanish Redundant Object Pronouns – Lawless Spanish Grammar

Spanish Redundant Object Pronouns – Lawless Spanish Grammar

Spanish Redundant Object Pronouns – Lawless Spanish Grammar


Objetos reiterados

In Spanish, an object pronoun, both direct or oblique, is commonly used along with the precise noun or pronoun that it could usually substitute. In some circumstances, this redundant object pronoun is required, whereas different occasions it’s merely stylistic. This lesson explains the overall tendencies when repeating object pronouns, however please notice that there’s a substantial amount of variation from one Spanish-speaking area to a different.


With a view to emphasize the direct or oblique object of a sentence, a redundant object pronoun could also be positioned earlier than the verb.

1. The redundant pronoun is required when the precise direct or oblique object precedes the verb.

Por ejemplo…

Eso lo quiero yo.   That’s what I need.
Eso no lo sé.   That I don’t know.
A las chicas las he visto ayer.   I noticed the ladies yesterday.
A Pablo le envié flores.   I despatched flowers to Pablo.

 This is quite common with oblique object pronoun verbs like gustarle.

Por ejemplo…

A Juan le gusta el chocolate.   Juan likes chocolate.
A mí me interesan los animales salvajes.   I’m interested by wild animals.

2. Nonetheless, when the item follows the verb, repeating the pronoun is often (non-obligatory).

Por ejemplo…

(Le) estoy hablando a mi hermano.   I’m speaking to my brother.
(Le) traigo unos libros a la escuela.   I’m taking some books to the varsity.
Mi thought (le) pareció al profesor la más interesante.   My thought appeared essentially the most fascinating to the instructor.
(Le) envié flores a Pablo.   I despatched flowers to Pablo.

A + prepositional pronoun

When you have got a plus a prepositional pronoun, you additionally want a direct or oblique object pronoun.

Por ejemplo…

La estoy buscando a ella.   I’m searching for her.
Me dijeron a mí ayer.   They informed me yesterday.

 Be aware that whereas the item pronoun is required in these two examples, the preposition + pronoun (a ella / a mí) are non-obligatory; they’re there for emphasis, reminiscent of if somebody says ¿Lo estás buscando? (Are you searching for him?) and also you reply No, la estoy buscando a ella. (No, I’m searching for her.) For those who don’t want that form of emphasis, you don’t want redundancy – you’ll be able to simply say La estoy buscando.

Le for les

The redundant pronoun les is commonly changed by le.

Por ejemplo…

Tóquele a todas las puertas.   Knock on all of the doorways.
Quiero darle a los niños un regalo.   I wish to give the youngsters a present.

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Objets reiterados
