Home Language Learning Spanish Days of the Week: Pronunciation, Utilization and Observe

Spanish Days of the Week: Pronunciation, Utilization and Observe

Spanish Days of the Week: Pronunciation, Utilization and Observe


spanish days of the week

Know what seven of probably the most helpful Spanish phrases you may study are? The Spanish days of the week!

Studying these is a vital step in direction of having a useful Spanish vocabulary.

On this put up, you’ll study the seven days of the week in Spanish, use them accurately in sentences, vocabulary that can assist you speak in regards to the days and extra.

Let’s get began!


spanish days of the week infographic

Spanish Days of the Week

Many of the Spanish days of the week had been named in keeping with their unique Greek or Roman names, which originated from non secular figures.

You’ll see some Latin and Hebrew linguistic parts, too!

1. Lunes — Monday

Abbreviations: L, LU, or lun.

Origin: Luna (the moon)

2. Martes — Tuesday

Abbreviations: M, MA, or mar.

Origin: Marte (Roman god of warfare)

3. Miércoles — Wednesday

Abbreviations: X, MI, or miérc.

Origin: Mercurio (Roman god of commerce)

4. Jueves — Thursday

Abbreviations: J, JU, or juev.

Origin: Júpiter (Roman god of the sky)

5. Viernes — Friday

Abbreviations: V, VI, or vier.

Origin: Venus (Roman goddess of affection)

6. Sábado — Saturday

Abbreviations: S, SA, or sáb.

Origin: Sabat (Hebrew phrase for “relaxation”)

7. Domingo — Sunday

Abbreviations: D, DO, or dom.

Origin: Dominus (Latin phrase for “Lord”)

Use the Spanish Days of the Week

Days of the week are not capitalized

In English, failing to capitalize the times of the week is a grammatical error. However in Spanish, the alternative is true—capitalizing is grammatically incorrect. The one exception is that if they seem as the primary phrase of a sentence.

All days of the week are masculine

In Spanish, all nouns have a gender (in order for you a full put up on Spanish gender, click on right here). This implies the times of the week are gendered too, since they’re nouns.

Fortunately, that is simple to recollect as a result of all days are masculine. Which means that when referring to a day, you will need to use the masculine articles el, los, un and algunos.

“On [day]” doesn’t translate straight into Spanish

In English, we use the preposition “on” to speak about one thing occurring on a particular day. Resist the urge to translate straight—in Spanish, you don’t must insert the phrase en, or every other preposition, for that matter!

When speaking about days of the week, use the pronouns el and los to imply “on.” Use el when speaking about one single prevalence and the plural los when speaking about one thing that occurs habitually.

Viene a Madrid el lunes.
(She’s coming to Madrid on Monday.)

Trabaja todos los sábados.
(He works each Saturday.)

Solely sábado and domingo change in plural type

Typically, you might want to speak about days of the week in the plural, like within the earlier instance (“todos los sábados”).

When making days of the week plural, solely add an –s if the phrase doesn’t already finish in –s. In different phrases, solely add -s to sábado and domingo. In any other case, the phrase stays the identical within the plural type. So, the plural types of the times are:

Use ser with days of the week 

When speaking about which day of the week it’s, you’ll all the time use ser as an alternative of estar.

This could be complicated at first since estar is normally used when describing issues which are transient, however with follow, you’ll get the grasp of it. Check out some examples:

Hoy es martes. (Right now is Tuesday.)

El juego es el miércoles. (The sport is on Wednesday.)

Mi cumpleaños es el próximo viernes. (My birthday is subsequent Friday.)

Helpful Vocabulary for Speaking In regards to the Days of the Week

Now that the fundamentals, listed below are some helpful phrases and phrases you might need to use when discussing the week’s days.

Spanish English Instance
Hoy es..  Right now is… Hoy es lunes.
(Right now is Monday.)
Mañana es…  Tomorrow is… Mañana es martes.
(Tomorrow is Tuesday.)
Ayer fue…  Yesterday was… Ayer fue domingo.
(Yesterday was Sunday.)
El día  The day ¿Qué día es hoy?
(What day is at present?)
La fecha The date ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
(What’s the date at present?)
El próximo  Subsequent ¡El próximo lunes es mi cumpleaños!
(Subsequent Monday is my birthday!)
Que viene…  The upcoming… Vamos a Barcelona el viernes que viene.
(We will Barcelona this upcoming Friday.)
Siguiente…  The folllowing… No empieza el curso el próximo lunes, sino el lunes siguiente.
(The category does not start subsequent Monday, however reasonably, the next Monday.)
Pasado Final El sábado pasado, fuimos a la playa.
(Final Saturday, we went to the seashore.)
Anterior  Earlier No la vi el viernes pasado, sino el viernes anterior.
(I did not see her final Friday, however reasonably, the earlier Friday.)
Antier  / Anteayer  The day earlier than yesterday Hoy es jueves, antier fue martes.
(Right now is Thursday, the day earlier than yesterday was Tuesday.)
Pasado mañana The day after tomorrow Viene mañana, y pasado mañana se va.
(He is coming tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow he leaves.)
La semana  The week Hay siete días en la semana.
(There are seven days in every week.)
El fin de semana  The weekend Este fin de semana voy a ver a mis amigas.
(This weekend, I will see my buddies.)
Entre semana  Midweek Viajo los fines de semana, pero me quedo en casa entre semana.
(I journey on the weekends, however I keep at residence through the week.)
Cada / Todos los…  Each Cada jueves tengo clase de matemáticas./Tengo clase de matemáticas todos los jueves.
(I’ve math class each Thursday.)
El primer… del mes  The primary __ of the month Hay una fiesta el primer sábado de junio.
(There’s a occasion on the primary Saturday of June.)
De… a…  From __ to __ Trabajo de lunes a viernes.
(I work from Monday to Friday.)
Desde… hasta…  From __ to __ Estaré en Santo Domingo desde el lunes hasta el sábado.
(I will be in Santo Domingo from Monday till Saturday.)

Suggestions for Training the Spanish Days of the Week


Congratulations! You now have all of the instruments you might want to speak in regards to the Spanish days of the week.

You’ll be nicely in your method to having Spanish conversations very quickly.
