Home French Language Le 14 juillet, la Fête Nationale Française

Le 14 juillet, la Fête Nationale Française

Le 14 juillet, la Fête Nationale Française


How do you Say Bastille Day in French?

Let’s begin by a mistake I hear too usually.

“Bastille Day” known as in a different way in French!

In France, for those who translated actually “Bastille Day” into “le jour de la Bastille”, folks could be dumbfounded.

They might not even perceive what you imply.

In France, we by no means communicate of “Bastille Day”.

So how do you say Bastille Day in French?

How do you Say Bastille Day in French?

The identify of France nationwide day is both:

Press on the hyperlinks subsequent to the 🎧 to listen to my audio recordings of the pronunciation of Bastille day in French.

Now let’s see extra Bastille day associated French phrases.

Bastille Day French Vocabulary

  1. Le quatorze juillet – le katorze jwee yeah
  2. La Fête Nationale – Nationwide day
  3. Joyeux 14 juillet – have an excellent nationwide day
  4. Bonne fête nationale – have an excellent nationwide day
  5. Une parade, un défilé – a parade
  6. Un feu d’artifice – firework (usually used within the plural)
  7. Un drapeau – a flag
  8. La Marseillaise – French nationwide anthem
  9. Vive la France – Hurray for France
  10. Un bal populaire – a danse
  11. Un live performance – a live performance

Bastille Day French Follow Video

Follow your French with this video – flip the CC on for French and English subtitles, and don’t neglect to subscribe to FrenchToday’s on Youtube 🥳

French Fireworks Vocabulary

  1. Un feu d’artifice – firework (usually used within the plural)
  2. Une fusée – bottle rocket
  3. Une fontaine – a fountain
  4. Une chandelle romaine – Roman candle
  5. Un volcan – volcano
  6. Un mortier – mortar
  7. Une comète – a comet
  8. Un pétard – firecracker
  9. La poudre – powder
  10. La mèche – the wick
  11. Oh la belle rouge / bleue – what folks shout throughout fireworks “oh the gorgeous crimson / blue…”
  12. Le bouquet last – the grand finale

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Extra Particulars & Audio Samples

How do you say: “What do you do on Bastille Day?” in French?

To ask a French good friend what his plan is for Bastille day, ask:
– “qu’est-ce que tu fais pour le 14 juillet ?” (le katorz jwee yeah).
– What do you do on July 14th ?

What Was La Bastille?

La Bastille was a medieval fort and the previous foremost jail of Paris. In the course of the French revolution, on July 14th 1789, it was taken by the revolutionary troops and have become the image of the French revolution. It stays the day we have a good time because the image of the folks’s revolution.


Bastille Day French Parades

In fact, there are numerous army parades on Bastille Day throughout France.

Once I was little, we lived in Paris. Sooner or later, I noticed many big army planes fly over our house constructing. I used to be so scared! I had completely forgotten it was Bastille Day!

Bastille Day Navy Parade French Follow

And now, let’s follow our French slightly 🙂

Use the floating blue icon within the backside proper to cover/reveal the English translations beneath or simply click on right here.

Un grand défilé militaire est organisé à Paris sur les Champs Elysées. Le défilé militaire à Paris a eu lieu chaque année depuis 1880, sauf pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. C’est un grand spectacle auquel assistent des milliers de gens.

An enormous army parade is organised in Paris on les Champs Elysées. The Paris army parade has been happening since 1880, besides throughout WW2. It’s an enormous present which hundreds of individuals attend. 

Des hommes et des femmes de différentes unités, y compris les cadets des écoles militaires, la marine française et la Légion étrangère française, participent à la parade. Le défilé se termine par la brigade de pompiers de Paris.

Women and men from completely different items, together with army college cadets, the French sea power, the overseas legion participate within the parade. The parade finishes with the Paris hearth brigade.

Des avions militaires survolent le parcours du défilé lors de la parade. Le président français ouvre le défilé et passe en revue les troupes.

Navy planes fly over the parade course. The French president opens the parade and inspects the troops. 

Our Secret Spot to Paris’ Fireworks

At night time fall, all the most important cities of France, and even the smaller villages, ship out fireworks.

There’s after all historically an incredible firework in Paris, round 10h30, by the Eiffel Tower. Do you have to resolve to attend, you gained’t be the one one… About 1,000,000 Parisians present up… Listed below are your choices:

Camp out on le Champs de Mars all day

You might be hardcore and arrive on the Champs de Mars or Trocadéro round 10AM together with your picnic blanket, a number of baguettes, a bunch of shut mates/household and 2-3 bottles of wine…per individual (Bear in mind that you may drink in public in France 🙂

Then you definately proceed on both having the perfect picnic day of your life or spend 12 hours guarding your treasured spot towards 900,000 Parisians making an attempt to outsmart you…

The Sacré-Coeur View of the Bastille Day Fireworks

You might be softcore and arrive at La Basilique du Sacré Coeur in Montmartre round 6PM with a jacket, one sandwich and… 1 bottle of wine per individual.

You’ve principally gained again 8 hours of your life however traded it with seeing the fireworks from greater than 4.5 km (2.8 miles) away.

You’ll nonetheless need to battle for an honest spot nevertheless it’ll be a terrific expertise too (though comparatively very quiet since you’ll not hear any of the explosions).

(Observe, in each A & B, you’ll need to battle your method again residence in le métro with 1 to 2 million different “very disciplined” Parisians so take into consideration that half too 🙂

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Let’s Begin…

Our Secret to get a Nice View on the Paris’ Fireworks

You might be like Camille and I who don’t have the braveness nor stamina to attend in a single spot for greater than 17 minutes.

So that you take heed to your sister-in-law who has lived all her life in Paris telling you, in that very Parisian smart-ass tone: “Tu sais, dans ‘Montparnasse’, il y a le mot ‘Mont’ (within the phrase “Montparnasse”, there’s the phrase “Mount” or “hill”)”…

You then proceed on strolling to the Montparnasse neighborhood, extra exactly the nook of Boulevard Vaugirard and Boulevard Pasteur (map) and discover a place for dinner (searching for one thing completely different, we selected an Italian place and ate a greater than appropriate prosciutto and arugula pizza).

After dinner and fewer than 20 minutes earlier than the firework begins, you casually stroll round slightly to search for a spot.

The perfect factor about Boulevard Pasteur is that the road could be very straight and goes downhill so irrespective of the place on the road you stand (between Place de Catalogne and Métro Pasteur), you’ll have a really respectable view of the Eiffel Tower’s high 2 thirds.

Now, don’t get me fallacious, you’ll not really feel such as you landed on a abandoned island or in a French grocery store on Sunday afternoon!

Nonetheless, you’ll solely be coping with 4 to five thousand folks…That’s much more manageable even for yours actually.  And because you’ll even be lower than 2 km away from the motion, you’ll get to listen to the explosions too which undoubtedly provides to the enjoyable.

Seeing the fireworks in Paris this manner was actually wonderful contemplating the small period of time we needed to wait round.

What do French Folks do on Bastille Day?

Let’s follow our French a bit extra right here:

Use the floating blue icon within the backside proper to cover/reveal the English translations beneath or simply click on right here.

Cette année 2020, avec la crise sanitaire, je ne sais pas vraiment ce qui va se passer ! Mais voici ce que les Français font typiquement pour la fête nationale.

This yr 2020 with the sanitary disaster, I don’t actually know what’s going to occur! However here’s what the French sometimes do for Bastille Day.

Le 14 juillet, les Français regardent souvent la parade à la télévision le matin, et puis après se retrouvent pour un déjeuner entre amis ou en famille, peut être un barbecue ou un pique-nique au bord de l’eau ou dans un parc de la ville. Si vous allez au restaurant, il vaut mieux réserver ce jour-là ! Certaines villes organisent des repas communautaires.

On Bastille day, the French usually watch the parade on TV within the morning, after which they meet up for a dinner amongst mates or household, perhaps even a barbecue or a picnic by the water or in a metropolis park. In the event you go to a restaurant, you higher e book on that day! Some cities manage metropolis meals.

Le soir, les Français vont voir un feu d’artifice et vont après danser au “bal populaire” qui est très souvent organisé par les villages. Les Français aiment bien danser ! Les villages organisent aussi quelquefois des compétitions de boules, des jeux pour les enfants, quand il n’y a pas de fête foraine dans les environ !

Within the night, the French watch fireworks after which go dancing in a “fashionable ball” which is usually organized by villages. French folks love to bounce! Villages additionally generally manage French bowling competitions, video games for youngsters, when there aren’t any enjoyable gala’s round!

À Paris, il y a un grand live performance sur le Champs-de-Mars : Bob Sinclar, l’orchestre nationwide de France, Johnny Vacation… Les Parisiens y vont très nombreux…

In Paris, there’s a big live performance on the Champs-de-Mars (below the Eiffel Tower): Bob Sinclar, The French nationwide orchestra, Johnny Vacation… French folks attend in mass.

All the things is Closed in France on Bastille Day

Bastille day is a nationwide vacation in France so after all, postal workplaces, museums, banks and most outlets are closed.

Eating places and coffees exterior of essentially the most touristic areas could also be closed as effectively. Nonetheless, bakeries and a few Parisian outlets, in addition to outlets in airports and practice stations or alongside the most important roads could also be open.

Schedules of public transportation can also range.

In main cities (Paris particularly), main roads can be closed for parades and different occasions. Relying on the dimensions of the town, this generally is a main inconvenience throughout a number of days: I invite you to learn Olivier’s article “assume twice about visiting Paris round Bastille Day“!

Search for Particular Bastille Day Celebrations in Your Native Newspapers or Your City’s Web site

Even for those who don’t stay in France, there’s most likely one thing organized for Bastille day not too removed from you: it could be one thing official that you just’ll discover in your city’s newspaper or web site, or one thing executed privately by a French college, restaurant or store… So open your eyes and ask round.

Joyeux 14 juillet à tous!

Essential image copyright Yann Caradec

In the event you take pleasure in studying French in context, try French At the moment’s downloadable French audiobooks: French At the moment’s bilingual novels are recorded at completely different speeds and enunciation, and deal with at present’s trendy glided pronunciation. 
