Home Italian Language Italian Phrase of the Day: Aiuto (assist / help)

Italian Phrase of the Day: Aiuto (assist / help)

Italian Phrase of the Day: Aiuto (assist / help)


Aiuto, which suggests “assist” or “help”, is arguably probably the most helpful Italian phrases you’ll be able to be taught. In spite of everything, you by no means know whenever you would possibly end up in want of help in another country!

italian word for help

The noun aiuto is masculine, and used with the next articles:

  • l’aiuto = the assistance
  • un aiuto = a assist
  • gli aiuti = the helps
  • degli aiuti = (some helps)

Aiuto comes from the Latin adiutus which in flip derives from the verb adiuvare that means “to assist” or “to help”. Usefully aiuto can also be the first-person singular conjugation (“I assist”) of the Italian verb aiutare.

(io) Aiuto mio fratello a fare i compiti.

I assist my brother do his homework.

You’ll be able to anticipate to see aiuto within the firm of the next verbs:

  • chiedere aiuto = to ask for assist
  • dare aiuto = to offer assist
  • fornire aiuto = to offer assist
  • prestare aiuto = to offer help
  • essere d’aiuto = to be of assist
  • invocare aiuto = to name for assist
  • accorrere in aiuto (di qualcuno) = to return to the help (of somebody)

Posso chiedere il tuo aiuto con questo rompicapo?

Can I ask to your assist with this dilemma?

Typically aiuto can even imply assist or backing relying on the context.

Non so che cosa avremmo fatto senza il vostro aiuto.

I don’t know what we’d have carried out with out your assist.

In its plural type aiuti, it tends to confer with help, as in meals, clothes, and cash offered to those that are in excessive want. For instance, aiuti ai terremotati interprets as help for earthquake victims.

Focus on food donation box. Diverse volunteers sorting and packing prosucts in cardboard boxes, working together on donation project indoors
Aiuti alimentari = Meals help

Aiuto can even describe an individual who is useful. For instance, every time my son helps me with a family chore, I all the time be certain to inform him Sei stato di grande aiuto! (You’ve been an enormous assist!)

You’ll additionally hear it used to imply “assistant”, as in aiuto regista (assistant director) and aiuto cuoco (assistant chef), or home assist. Observe that the gender of aiuto doesn’t change in case you are referring to a feminine assistant.

Lastly, Aiuto! can be utilized as an interjection, similar to the English “Assist!”

Aiuto! Mi hanno rubato la borsa!

Assist! They stole my bag!
