Home French Language French Pronouns: The Full Information to Private and Impersonal Pronouns [With Examples and Audio]

French Pronouns: The Full Information to Private and Impersonal Pronouns [With Examples and Audio]

French Pronouns: The Full Information to Private and Impersonal Pronouns [With Examples and Audio]


Portrait of a happy young couple dressed in denim jackets standing together isolated over red background, pointing at themselves

Pronouns are an vital a part of all languages and are utilized in conversations to switch folks, locations, issues and phrases. 

In French, there are two teams of pronouns: private and impersonal pronouns.

For instance, the French private topic pronouns are je/j’, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles.

Learn on to be taught extra about all the several types of French pronouns in addition to tips on how to use them appropriately!


What are Private Pronouns?

Private pronouns merely substitute the who or what in a sentence. They may all the time agree with the individual or factor they characterize. For instance:

J‘ai (1) un super-pouvoir. Je peux mettre des pronoms à la place des choses.

Je les utilise (2) pour mes amis et mes dad and mom.

Quand je parle avec eux (3), je leur (4) donne un ZAP et ils s‘en vont ! (5).

(I have a superpower. I can substitute folks with pronouns.

I exploit them for my buddies and my dad and mom.

Once I communicate with them, I give them a zap and they go away!)

These pronouns might look insignificant however, if used appropriately, they will vastly enhance your sentence construction.

Private Pronouns in French

1. Private Topic Pronouns

Private topic pronouns are key to conjugation. Topic pronouns substitute the topic of the sentence. In French these are:

je/j’ — I
— you
— he/she/one
— we
— you formal, you all
— they


2. Direct Object Pronouns

To know the makes use of of direct object pronouns (D.O. pronouns for brief), you first must know that a direct object is the who or what that the verb impacts.

For an English instance, the direct object can be “article” within the following sentence: “You might be studying an article.” That’s as a result of the studying is occurring to the article. Thus, a direct object pronoun would substitute this direct object.

Listed below are the D.O. pronouns in French:

me/m’ — first individual singular
— second individual singular
— third individual singular
— first individual plural
— second individual plural
— third private plural

Instance 1:

Since le gâteau is third individual singular, we substitute it with le and place the pronoun earlier than the verb.

Instance 2:

Professional tip: The pronoun should agree with the gender and amount of what we substitute. 

3. Burdened Pronouns

These pronouns are helpful and versatile. Mostly, they’re used to emphasise an individual in a sentence. 

moi  first individual singular
toi — second individual singular
lui/elle/soi — third individual singular
nous — first individual plural
vous — second individual plural
eux/elles — third individual plural

There are eleven other ways through which careworn pronouns can be utilized, all with the identical common concept of their perform: stressing the individual. Listed below are the most typical methods:

  • After C’est or Ce sont.

C’est toi qui laves la salle de bain. —  It’s you who’s washing the washroom.

  • When there’s multiple topic in a sentence.

Michel et moi avons fait du procuring. — Michel and I went procuring.

Je suis content material, et toi ? I’m comfortable, and you?

Chez lui, sans elle His home, with out her.

Nous sommes plus rapides qu’eux. — We’re sooner than them.

  • When indicating possession.

Cette tarte est à elle. — That pie belongs to her.

4. Oblique Object Pronouns

me/m’ — me
— you
— him/her/one
— us
— you (plural)
— them

An oblique object is an individual or animate object which can be preceded by a preposition (à, de). As you’ll have seen, the pronouns themselves are much like D.O. pronouns. 

Professional tip: Take note of the excellence between the third individual singular or third individual plural while you’re forming sentences with direct or oblique object pronouns. Use lui/leur for oblique object and le/la/les for direct object.


Don’t fear if there are two pronouns, there’s a fast trick to remembering the order of a number of pronouns on the backside of this submit.

The important thing to picking between utilizing an oblique or direct object pronoun is whether or not or not there’s a preposition earlier than the individual or animate object. If sure, then it’s an oblique object. Simply assume: since there’s a preposition, you’re going not directly to the noun.

5. Reflexive Pronouns

For English audio system, reflexive pronouns and reflexive verbs don’t all the time appear logical and infrequently look redundant. Nonetheless, in French they’re important.

me/m’ — myself
— your self
— himself/herself/oneself
— ourselves
— yourselves 
— themselves

me, te, se, nous and vous are the pronouns. You’ll see them used with reflexive (or pronominal) verbs as proven under.


  • se laver — to scrub oneself
  • se casser — to interrupt (a physique half)
  • s’habiller — to dress

We conjugate them with the assistance of our reflexive pronouns:
Je me lave.
Tu te laves.
Il se lave.
Nous nous lavons.
Vous vous lavez.
Ils se lavent.
(I wash myself, you wash your self, and many others.)

Do not forget that reflexive pronouns all the time agree with the topic and are used with reflexive verbs.

A good way to determine when and tips on how to use French pronouns is to immerse your self in French media and see the pronouns utilized in context by native French audio system. For an immersive studying expertise you might learn French information and even strive a language studying program like FluentU.

FluentU has an array of bite-sized genuine French movies with interactive subtitles you could hover over for extra details about the phrases. You can additionally use the subtitles and transcripts on FluentU to determine and see how pronouns are utilized in context and begin utilizing them in your personal French.

By seeing the French pronouns utilized by native audio system you’ll decide up on key sentence buildings and your French will start to sound extra fluent.

FluentU can be out there on iOS and Android, so you possibly can be taught wherever you might be!

What are Impersonal Pronouns?

Within the instance under, you’ll be capable to see a number of the most typical impersonal pronouns in French, akin to que (that), qui (that/who) and ce (it), in addition to a few adverbial pronouns (en and y) which we may also cowl on this part:

Je sais que je peux remplacer des choses qui ne sont ni COD ni COI.

C’est mon super-pouvoir !

J’en trouve un et ZAP !

Il y a plusieurs pronoms que je peux utiliser. 

(I do know that I can substitute issues that are neither direct objects nor oblique objects.

It‘s my super-power!

I discover one and ZAP!

There are a number of pronouns that I can use.)

Impersonal Pronouns in French

6. Impersonal Topic Pronouns

In English, our impersonal topic pronoun is “it.” In French, you utilize ce or il. They will usually be used interchangeably, however ce is extra casual.


7. Relative Pronouns

These pronouns join dependent clauses with the principle clauses. In different phrases, they join the a part of the sentence with no topic to the a part of the sentence with a topic. There are 5 relative pronouns, all with their very own particular objective.

Replaces the Direct Object within the dependent clause. It features sort of the identical because the phrase “that” in English. The most important exception is that “that” is commonly non-compulsory in English and que is a should!

Instance: Où est la selected que j’ai achetée hier ? — The place is the factor (that) I purchased yesterday?

Right here, que is referring to la selected (the factor) which is the direct object of the verb acheter (to purchase).

Replaces the topic (both individual or factor) within the dependent clause, just like the phrase “who” in English.

Instance: Je voudrais un prof qui ne donne pas de devoirs. — I would really like a trainer who doesn’t give homework.

Word that, this qui has nothing to do with folks:

Cependant, le prof donne des devoirs qui nous aident à apprendre. — Nonetheless, the trainer provides us homework that helps us be taught.

Right here, qui is referring to devoirs (homework) which is the topic of the verb aider (to assist).

  • Lequel/Laquelle/Lesquels/Lesquelles 

Replaces an oblique object after a preposition.

If the noun is an individual, it’s essential use the preposition + qui. There are some extra superior contractions utilizing lequel that you could be run into afterward, however let’s follow fundamentals proper now. Consider it as “which” in English.

Instance: Je n’ai pas lu la lettre à laquelle tu as répondu. — I didn’t learn the letter to which you responded.

Replaces an object adopted by de. The English equal is “whose” or “that.” It’s used usually with phases like: parler de (communicate of), avoir besoin de (to want) and avoir peur de (be petrified of).

Instance: Le pronom dont j’ai peur ! — The pronoun that I’m petrified of!

  • Où replaces a spot. It’s additionally the query phrase for “the place,” which makes it simple to recollect.

Instance: C’est là  j’ai mangé hier. — It’s the place I ate yesterday.

It can be used to switch a time.

Instance: Mercredi, c’est le jour  je pars. — Wednesday, it’s the day that I go away.

8. Adverbial Pronouns

There are solely two adverbial pronouns: y and en.

Y is used to switch à + a noun (usually a spot), whereas en is used to switch de + a noun or phrase.

En can be used to switch portions + a noun. These are essential pronouns, and also you’ve in all probability heard them utilized in phrases akin to Il y a… (There may be…) and J’en ai un  (I’ve one). Let’s take a look at some examples.


Je voudrais aller à Paris turns into → Je voudrais y aller. — I want to go to Paris. I want to go there.

Il pense à l’été dernier turns into → Il y pense. — He thinks of final summer season. He thinks of it.

Professional tip: Ensure you’re utilizing y in cases of à + an object. Don’t confuse it with lequel (which is used to hyperlink clauses), or with lui/leur which is for oblique objects which can be folks or animate objects. In case you have à + an inanimate object, then use y.


Ma mère prépare des pâtes. Ma mère en prépare. — My mother is getting ready some pasta. My mother is getting ready some.

As well as, you need to use en when a amount phrase is concerned.

Il a beaucoup de bonbons. Il en a beaucoup. — He has a variety of sweet. He has lots of it.
Elle a deux livres. Elle en a deux. —  She has two books. She has two of them.

Professional tip: You want the pronoun en when speaking about portions. As an example, you possibly can’t say J’ai un. This merely means nothing, or will likely be taken as the start of a sentence J’ai un… livre (I’ve a… e-book). It’s good to squeeze en in there on your supposed impact: J’en ai un (I’ve one).

9. Indefinite pronouns

These pronouns are unspecific phrases that can be utilized as the topic of a sentence, the thing of a verb or as a preposition. Listed below are some examples:

d’autres — others
chacun / chacune — each
certains / certaines — sure ones
plusieurs — a number of
quelque selected — one thing
quelqu’un — somebody
tout — every part
tout le monde — everybody

Professional tip: Use the third individual singular or plural when the topic is an indefinite pronoun and also you’re conjugating verbs.

Now that you already know about French pronouns, you’ll quickly be talking like a local and reducing out any repeated nouns!

Last professional tip: In a case of multiple pronoun utilized in a phrase, there’s an accurate order to position them in. Attempt saying the pronouns to the tune of the French nursery rhyme “Frère Jacques” that will help you bear in mind them:

me, te, nous, vous
me, te, nous, vous
le, la, les
le, la, les
lui, leur
lui, leur


As you possibly can see, there are lots of several types of French pronouns and utilizing them will make expressing your self within the language simpler.

Now that you just’ve discovered French pronouns you possibly can say issues like, Je le lui ai donné (I gave it to him), with zero stress!
