Home Grammar Diagramming Sentences Workouts: Chapter 1

Diagramming Sentences Workouts: Chapter 1

Diagramming Sentences Workouts: Chapter 1


Diagramming sentences will assist you to be taught grammar. It’s going to additionally assist you to write higher, and it is enjoyable! Are you able to be taught some fundamental diagramming with these workouts? Nice! 

Basic Sentence Diagram

There are 5 questions for every part. The solutions are on the backside of the web page. Do not peek till you’ve got tried them!

1.0 Diagramming Sentences  – Topics & Verbs

Topics inform us whom or what a sentence is about. Verbs inform us what the topic is or does.

Instructions: Diagram the next sentences. Put the topic on the left facet of the vertical line and the verb on the appropriate facet of the vertical line.

Serving to verbs are a part of the verb, so serving to verbs and predominant verbs are written collectively on the appropriate facet of the vertical line. (This is a listing of serving to verbs.)

1. Flowers develop.

2. Birds have been chirping.

3. Bunnies hop.

4. Cailey should have been sleeping.

5. Sydney has been taking part in.

Subject Verb Sentence Diagram

Cats will meow.

1.1 Diagramming Questions

Did you discover that the entire sentences you diagrammed above started with the topic? Nicely, questions (interrogative sentences) are usually written in a unique order. In case you have a tough time discovering the topic of a query, reorder the query into an announcement.

Instance: The query Have you ever been cooking? turns into the assertion You’ve been cooking.

Be sure you preserve the unique capitalization of the sentence while you diagram it.

Instructions: Diagram the next questions. Put the topic on the left facet of the vertical line and the verb on the appropriate facet of the vertical line.

1. Could I run?

2. Did Josh eat?

3. Ought to we have now been swimming?

4. Has Lucy been studying?

5. Are they coming?

Diagramming Questions

Have you ever been cooking?

1.0 Diagramming Sentences – Topics & Verbs – Solutions

Sentence Diagrams

1.1 Diagramming Questions Solutions

Sentence Diagrams

Would you wish to obtain these sentence diagramming workouts? 

Sentence Diagramming Exercises Ebook

  • 121 Pages
  • Consists of Directions & Workouts For Diagramming Topics, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositional Phrases, Conjunctions, Interjections, Adverb Clauses, Adjective Clauses, Noun Clauses, Gerunds, Participles, & Infinitives
  • Consists of All Solutions
  • Printable
  • 100% Cash-Again Assure
  • Solely $19.00

That is authentic content material from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/diagramming-sentences-exercises.html
