Home Spanish Language Describing Artwork in Spanish – Develop Spanish

Describing Artwork in Spanish – Develop Spanish

Describing Artwork in Spanish – Develop Spanish


An enormous vocabulary is necessary when studying and educating a international language. Most memorize phrase lists, however that type of vocabulary solely sticks briefly. Why? As a result of it is advisable to assume and use the phrases for them to remain in long-term reminiscence.

Describing artwork in Spanish will make the vocabulary stick. How?

Artwork Examine in Spanish faucets into language processing within the mind. The learner:

  • has a visible of the phrase
  • describes the story
  • describes the design particulars
  • involves a conclusion
  • types an opinion concerning the paintings.

Not solely that, however the learner additionally practices all of the language abilities:

  • listens,
  • speaks,
  • writes, and
  • reads in Spanish.

And it provides cultural consciousness of Hispanic artwork into the combo.

Free Spanish Artwork Vocabulary Exercise

Art Vocabulary

Obtain our free Spanish Artwork Vocabulary Worksheet

You should use this text for the speaking factors.
