Home Language Learning Actual Spanish Breakfast in Madrid!

Actual Spanish Breakfast in Madrid!

Actual Spanish Breakfast in Madrid!


UPDATE: The Notes in Spanish Interior Circle, as talked about within the video, is open now for registration for a few days – and this month’s theme is meals! Be part of The Interior Circle Right here Now! Don’t miss out!

Within the video above, we take you out to breakfast in a cool ‘de toda la vida’ bar in Madrid, and Ben narrowly avoids ‘hanger’, or having “enfambriento” as Marina decides to name it in Spanish!!

Phrases and phrases from as we speak’s video:

Pan con aceite de oliva virgen y tomate triturado – Bread with olive oil and liquidised tomato

Pan de molde con mantequilla y mermelada – Sliced bread with butter and jam

Huevos revueltos con ibérico – Scrambled egg with Iberian ham

Cortado y americano – Espresso, expresso with a drop or milk, and American type

Zumo de naranja – Orange juice

Almohada – Pillow

Desayuno – Breakfast

Rallar – To grate

Estás en la gloria – I’m in heaven

Bear in mind, Our unique non-public groupThe Notes in Spanish Interior Circle“, as talked about within the video, is open now for registration for a few days and this month’s theme is meals! Be part of Right here Now!
