Home Spanish Language 60+ Important Onomatopoeia in Spanish for Sound Results, Animals, Folks and Extra

60+ Important Onomatopoeia in Spanish for Sound Results, Animals, Folks and Extra

60+ Important Onomatopoeia in Spanish for Sound Results, Animals, Folks and Extra


onomatopoeia words against bright colored comic book background

Onomatopoeia—or, onomatopeya in Spanish—are phrases related to sounds.

Take animal noises for instance. The phrase “buzz” represents the noise a bee makes.

Studying onomatopoeia in Spanish may not appear necessary at first.

However realizing these enjoyable little phrases will enable you higher perceive Spanish media—like TV exhibits, motion pictures, songs and comedian books—and boost your examine routine.

On this submit, we’ll be taught over 60 widespread onomatopoeia in Spanish.


Spanish Onomatopoeia for Animal Sounds

Spanish Which means
Moo (sound of a cow)
Woof (sound of a canine)
Meow (sound of a cat)
Quack (sound of a duck)
Baa (sound of a sheep)
Neigh (sound of a horse)
Ribbit (sound of a frog)
Oink (sound of a pig)
Buzz (sound of a bee)
Caw (sound of a crow)
Hiss (sound of a snake)
Gur (sound of growling)

Spanish Onomatopoeia for Folks

Spanish Which means Instance
or alas
The sound of applause or hand clapping La audiencia aplaudió al ultimate del musical. ¡Plas, plas, plas!

(The viewers applauded on the finish of the musical. Clap, clap, clap!)

The sound of an individual sleeping El perro hace “zzzzz” porque está durmiendo.

(The canine goes “zzzz” as a result of he’s sleeping.)

The sound of an individual loud night breathing Mi padre ronca como un oso, ¡rrrr!

(My father snores like a bear, huugh!)

Toc toc
or tras tras
The sound of knocking on a door Toc, toc, toc. Mi vecino golpeaba en la puerta.

(Knock, knock, knock.  My neighbor knocked on the door.)

Ñam, ñam, ñam
The sound of consuming Cuando ella come la comida italiana, cube: “Ñam, ñam, ñam.”

(When she eats Italian meals, she says, “Num, num, num.”)

Oaaa, oaaa
The sound of waking up “Oaaa, oaaa,” ella bostezó por la mañana.

(“Aaah,” she yawned within the morning.)

Hip, hip
The sound of hiccuping “Hip, hip, hip,” el elefante hace cuando bebe el jugo.

(“Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup,” the elephant goes when it drinks the juice.)

, catapum
, cataplún
or cataplam
The final sound of hitting, bumping or colliding with an object ¡Cataplún! El coche chocó con el camión.

(Crash! The automotive collided with the truck.)

Ejem, ejem
The sound of coughing “Ejem, ejem” el profesor carraspeó.

(“Cough, cough,” the instructor cleared his throat.)

, muac
, muak
or chuic
The sound of kissing ¡Guácala!  El sonido de besos, muak muak, es repugnante.

(Yuck! The sound of kissing, mua mua, is gross.)

or jejeje
The sound of laughter ¡Jajaja! ¡Eres muy chistoso!

(Ha ha ha! You’re very humorous!)

Achoo (the sound of a sneeze) ¡Achí! ¡Me resfrié y no puedo parar de estornudar!

(Achoo! I obtained a chilly and I can not cease sneezing!)

Gulp ¡Glup! Me comí un trozo de pastel demasiado grande de un solo bocado.

(Gulp! I ate too large a bit of cake in a single chew.)

The sound you make when one thing smells terrible ¡Uf! ¡El queso limburger huele horrible!

(Yuck! Limburger cheese smells horrible!)

Spanish Onomatopoeia for Sound Results

Spanish Which means Instance
or plas
The sound of leaping into water ¡La chica salta en la piscina con un chof!

(The lady jumps into the pool with a splash!)

The sound two gadgets make once they hit one another or an merchandise falls over ¡El libro golpea el estante, paf!

(The e-book hits the shelf, paf!)

or cataplum
The sound of an explosion ¡Pataplum! Los fuegos artificiales explotaron.

(Growth!  The fireworks exploded.)

The sound of something being struck, equivalent to smacking somebody’s face or cracking a whip ¡Zas! El domador de leones restalló el látigo contra la pared.

(Crack!  The lion tamer cracked his whip towards the wall.)

Tan, tan, tan
The sound a bell makes, putting an anvil, hitting a hammer, and so forth. ¡Escuche! El herrero bate su yunque con el martillo. ¡Tan, tan, tan!

(Pay attention! The blacksmith hits his anvil with the hammer. Clang, clang, clang!)

Uuuuh, uuuuh
The sound of a police automotive, firetruck or ambulance ¿Puedes oír las sirenas del coche de bomberos? ¡Uuuuh uuuuh! ¡Uuuuh uuuuh!

(Are you able to hear the firetruck’s sirens? Wee woo! Wee woo!)

Plic, plic
The sound of sentimental rain Plic, plic. La lluvia pega sobre el techo.

(Plop. Plop. The rain hits the roof.)

The sound of objects breaking ¡Crag! El jarrón Ming rompió en el museo.

(Crack! The Ming vase broke within the museum.)

Ñeec, ñeec
The sound of mattress springs Los monos saltan en la cama, ñeec, ñeec.

(The monkeys soar on the mattress, squeak, squeak.)

or pam pam
The sound a gun makes ¡Cuidado! ¡El ladrón tiene una pistola! ¡Pam, pam, pam!

(Cautious! The thief has a gun! Bang, bang, bang!)

or chin-chin
The sound of clinking glass Los vasos se chocan “chin-chin” cuando lavo los platos.

(The glasses clink one another after I wash the dishes.)

Glu, glu, glu
The sound of bubbles Las burbujas fueron glu, glu cuando reventaron.

(The bubbles went pop, pop once they burst.)

Ra-ta-tá, ra-ta-tá
The sound of a machine gun ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá! La ametralladora nunca paró de disparar.

(Ratatat! Ratatat! The machine gun by no means stopped firing.)

or tris
The sound of a small explosion Ellos hacen un explosión pequeño en la clase de ciencias. ¡Tric!

(They make a small explosion in science class. Growth!)

The sound of sword preventing Los mosqueteros luchan con espadas. ¡Chischás!

(The musketeers combat with swords. Clang!)

Rin, rin
The sound of a bell ¡Rin, rin! El sonido de la campana es como música.

(Ding, ding! The bell’s sound is like music.)

Onomatopoeia Verbs in Spanish

Spanish English Which means
To sizzle or crackle Onomatopoeia for the sound of sparks
To squeak or screech Onomatopoeia for a high-pitched sound
To buzz Onomatopoeia for the sound of a bee or a buzzing noise
To splash Onomatopoeia for the sound of water splashing
To chirp Onomatopoeia for the sound of birds chirping
To rumble Onomatopoeia for a deep, resonating sound
To thunder or crack Onomatopoeia for the sound of thunder
To whistle Onomatopoeia for the sound of a whistle
To tick-tock Onomatopoeia for the sound of a clock ticking
To creak or crunch Onomatopoeia for a cracking or crunching sound
To whisper or murmur Onomatopoeia for a mushy, hushed dialog
To snap or click on Onomatopoeia for a pointy, fast sound
To growl or grumble Onomatopoeia for a low, threatening sound
To collide or crash Onomatopoeia for the sound of affect
To blow Onomatopoeia for the sound of blowing air
To roar Onomatopoeia for the sound of a loud, deep roar
To cough Onomatopoeia for the sound of coughing
To snort Onomatopoeia for a brief, loud exhale of breath
To bark Onomatopoeia for the sound of a canine barking
To moan or groan Onomatopoeia for a low, guttural sound
To blow up or burst Onomatopoeia for a sudden, sharp sound

The place to Discover Onomatopoeia in Spanish

  • Kids’s books. Assume again to the books you used to learn as a child and also you’ll immediately keep in mind tons of onomatopoeia in your native language. Discover some in Spanish and also you’ll be taught simply as many!
  • Songs. Many Spanish songs use onomatopoeia. In case you take heed to sufficient, you’re sure to come back throughout a number of generally used ones.
  • Comedian books are stuffed with onomatopoeia. Attempt these classics to get began:

“Chistes para siempre: Cuentos graciosos y humor gráfico para reír sin parar” (“Jokes Perpetually: Humorous Tales and Graphic Humor to Chuckle With out Stopping”)

“10 años con Mafalda” (“10 Years with Mafalda”)

“Yakuza Woman” quantity one (Spanish Version)


Figuring out onomatopoeia in Spanish will enable you higher perceive native content material and add some pleasure to your research.

From youngsters’s books to Spanish sitcoms, you’ll discover tons of those enjoyable little phrases and lots of extra.

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