Home Spanish Language 35 Thought-provoking Spanish Quotes for Each day Inspiration

35 Thought-provoking Spanish Quotes for Each day Inspiration

35 Thought-provoking Spanish Quotes for Each day Inspiration


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Spanish quotes are a gateway to seeing the world from the attitude of Spanish-speaking folks and cultures.

Discovering how folks in several elements of the world view particular matters we casually speak about in our mom tongues—like life, demise and romance—might help provide you with a refreshed worldview.

On this put up, you’ll discover 35 of essentially the most thought-provoking and transferring Spanish quotes about life, love and every part in between.

Spanish Quotes About Life

spanish quotes about life child running and being happy

1. “Algún día en cualquier parte, en cualquier lugar indefectiblemente te encontrarás a ti mismo, y ésa, sólo ésa, puede ser la más feliz o la más amarga de tus horas.” — Pablo Neruda

English translation: Sometime, someplace, in some place you’ll inevitably run into your individual self, and that, solely that, may be the happiest or the bitterest of your moments.

2. “La vida es una serie de colisiones con el futuro; no es una suma de lo que hemos sido, sino de lo que anhelamos ser.” – José Ortega y Gasset

English translation: Life is a collection of collisions with the longer term; it’s not a sum of what we now have been, however of what we hope to be.

3. “Aprendí que si no puedes ser feliz con pocas cosas, no vas a ser feliz con muchas cosas.” – José “Pepe” Mujica

English translation: I discovered that for those who can’t be pleased with a bit of, you received’t be pleased with lots.

4. “Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir. — Federico García Lorca

English translation: Simply as I didn’t fear about being born, I’m not anxious about dying.

Identical to being born is a part of life, so is demise. Why would we be in regards to the final if we weren’t in regards to the first?

5. “Errar es humano, pero más lo es culpar de ello a otros.” – Baltazar Gracián

English translation: To err is human, however much more so is guilty others for it.

This quote demonstrates his perception into human nature—the impulse guilty others for our errors.

6. “A los tontos no les dura el dinero.” — Unknown

English translation: A idiot and his cash are quickly parted.

This Spanish quote reminds us to be good stewards of our cash and spend it properly, and individuals who burn holes via their pockets are silly.

7. “A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar.” — Unknown

English translation: Drink and swallow, the world goes to finish.

This saying is a reminder to get pleasure from life within the current as a result of nobody lives ceaselessly.

8. “No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.” — Unknown

English translation: Don’t go away for tomorrow what you are able to do at this time.

This quote is about productiveness, utilizing your time properly, and a reminder that procrastination will solely result in stress!

Inspirational Spanish Quotes

spanish quotes

9. “Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras.” – Frida Kahlo

English translation: Fall in love with your self, with life after which with whoever you need.

For those who don’t love your self and your life, you’ll by no means discover success in making an attempt to like another person.

10. “Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.” — Antonio Machado

English translation: Walker, there isn’t any path, you make it as you stroll.

This quote means we now have to make manner on our personal for the life we wish to dwell.

11. “Para hacer realidad un gran sueño, el primer requisito es una gran capacidad de soñar; el segundo es la persistencia.” – César Chávez

English translation: To make an awesome dream come true, the primary requirement is a good capability to dream. The second is persistence.

You may’t obtain huge issues with out believing you’ll be able to first. And you may’t persevere for those who doubt your self.

12. “Quien ha visto la esperanza, no la olvida. La busca bajo todos los cielos y entre todos los hombres.” — Octavio Paz.

English translation: He who has seen hope doesn’t overlook it. He seems for it below each sky and amongst all males.

13. “El que quiere interesar a los demás tiene que provocarlos.” — Salvador Dali

English translation: He who needs to curiosity others should provoke them.

Nobody turned well-known or remembered by doing issues the normal manner and enjoying it protected.

14. “La verdad adelgaza, pero no quiebra, y siempre anda sobre la mentira como el aceite sobre el agua.” – Miguel de Cervantes

English translation: The reality could also be stretched skinny, nevertheless it by no means breaks, and it at all times rises above lies like oil floats on water.

15. “El hombre que se levanta es aún más grande que el que no ha caído.” — Concepción Arenal

English translation: The person who stands up is larger than the one who hasn’t fallen.

Individuals who fail however maintain making an attempt once more are already extra profitable than those that by no means attempt.

16. No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.” — Gabriel García Márquez

English translation: Don’t cry as a result of it’s over, smile as a result of it occurred.

We will select to be unhappy that one thing is over, or we may be joyful and grateful for the expertise.

Thought-provoking Spanish Quotes

daisy petals

17. “La incertidumbre es una margarita cuyos pétalos no se terminan jamás de deshojar.”  — Mario Vargas Llosa

English translation: Uncertainty is a daisy whose petals you’ll by no means end pulling off.

This quote implies that doubting won’t ever result in good, and there’ll at all times be one thing to doubt.

18. “Es feliz el que soñando, muere. Desgraciado el que muera sin soñar.” — Rosalía De Castro

English translation: He’s joyful, the one who dies whereas dreaming. Disgraced is the one who dies with out desires.

Dream huge and dwell in order that you haven’t any regrets on the finish of your life.

19. “El mundo hay que fabricárselo uno mismo, hay que crear peldaños que te suban, que te saquen del pozo. Hay que inventar la vida porque acaba siendo verdad.” — Ana María Matute

English translation: You need to construct the world round you, your self: it’s important to create the steps that may take you up, and make it easier to out of the nicely. You need to invent life, as a result of ultimately it would finally be actual.

20. “Hay que sentir el pensamiento y pensar el sentimiento.” — Miguel de Unamuno

English translation: It’s essential to really feel your thought and assume your feeling.

Fastidiously think about your individual place and observe your true internal morality wherever it could take you.

21. “Aprender a dudar es aprender a pensar.” — Octavio Paz

English translation: Studying to doubt is studying to assume.

One other quote from Octavio Paz, this quote tells us that doubting isn’t at all times unhealthy. For those who by no means doubt something, are you actually considering for your self?

22. “Nunca tendré compasión por los que no supieron morir a tiempo.” — Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (El Cid Campeador)

English translation: I’ll by no means have sympathy for individuals who don’t die on time.

Morir a tiempo means “to die while you’re purported to,” and on this case, “standing up for what you imagine in.”

23. “La vida es easy, pero insistimos en hacerla complicada.” — Confucius

English translation: Life is easy, however we insist on making it difficult.

Decelerate and take a deep breath—hardly something is as extreme as we expect.

24. “La lengua no tiene hueso, pero corta lo más grueso.” — Unknown

English translation: The tongue doesn’t have a bone, nevertheless it cuts the thickest.

Phrases are extraordinarily highly effective, and what you say can lower deeper than any bodily weapon, punch or blow.

Spanish Quotes About Relationships

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25. “Enamorarse es crear una religión cuyo Dios es falible.”  — Jorge Luis Borges

English translation: Falling in love is creating a faith whose God is fallible.

If we put all our hope in a single individual, we’re assured to be let down as a result of nobody is ideal.

26. “Como si se pudiese elegir en el amor, como si no fuera un rayo que te parte los huesos.” – Julio Cortázar

English translation: As for those who might select love, as if it weren’t like a lightning bolt that breaks your bones.

27. “La muerte no existe, la gente sólo muere cuando la olvidan; si puedes recordarme siempre estaré contigo.” — Isabel Allende

English translation: Dying doesn’t exist, folks solely die when they’re forgotten; for those who can bear in mind me I’ll at all times be with you.

28. “Lo que me gusta de tu cuerpo es el sexo. Lo que me gusta de tu sexo es la boca. Lo que me gusta de tu boca es la lengua. Lo que me gusta de tu lengua es la palabra.”  — Julio Cortázar

English translation: “What I like about your physique is its sexiness. What I like about your sexiness is your mouth. What I like about your mouth is your tongue. What I like about your tongue is the phrase.”

29. “Un hombre solo tiene derecho de mirar a otro hacia abajo cuando tiene que ayudarlo a levantarse.” — Gabriel García Márquez

English translation: A person solely has the correct to look down on one other when he has to assist them up.

Watch out when critiquing others, particularly for those who make the identical errors or aren’t any higher.

30. “Tal vez sea verdad: que un corazón es lo que mueve el mundo.” — Dámaso Alonso

English translation: Maybe it’s true: it’s a coronary heart which strikes the world.

Significant world change begins with the correct intentions and a giant coronary heart.

31. “No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.”  — Unknown

English translation: It doesn’t matter that we’re separated by distance, there’ll at all times be the identical sky to unite us.

Everyone seems to be related as a result of we share the sky regardless of the place we dwell or what time it’s.

32. “Amar no es mirarse el uno al otro, es mirar juntos en la misma dirección.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

English translation: Love shouldn’t be to have a look at one another, it’s to look collectively in the direction of the identical route.

The accomplice we’ll love ceaselessly is somebody we are able to journey via life with.

Spanish Quotes About Historical past

spanish quotes old books and pens

33. “A lo largo de la historia, la democracia y la felicidad no han producido nunca gran literatura.”  — Mario Vargas Llosa

English translation: All through historical past, democracy and happiness have by no means produced nice literature.

Well-known literary works are nice as a result of they arrive out of politically troubled environments, not regardless of it.

34. “La guerra es la obra de arte de los militares, la coronación de su formación, el broche dorado de su profesión. No han sido creados para brillar en la Paz. — Isabel Allende

English translation: Warfare is troopers’ murals, the crowning glory of their coaching, the gilded jewel of their occupation. They weren’t born to shine in peace.

35. “La historia nunca cube ‘Adiós’. Lo que cube siempre es un ‘Hasta luego’.” — Eduardo Galeano

English translation: Historical past by no means says “Farewell.” What it at all times says is “Goodbye.”

This quote basically says the identical factor as “historical past repeats itself,” however with intelligent wordplay.


These 35 Spanish quotes are greater than inspirational—they’ve the ability to show us significant classes about life.

You may even discover tons of extra by listening to Spanish media, from telenovelas to novels. One other good place to proceed your Spanish quote explorations is FluentU—the language studying program helps you to watch genuine Spanish movies with interactive subtitles, so that you’ll have a better time recognizing idioms, quotes and colloquial expressions.

Simply bear in mind, it’s one factor to know Spanish quotes—now it’s time to dwell them!
