Home French Language 29 Humorous French Phrases, Sayings and Expressions for Colourful Conversations

29 Humorous French Phrases, Sayings and Expressions for Colourful Conversations

29 Humorous French Phrases, Sayings and Expressions for Colourful Conversations


an image of the sheep with the tongue out

The French language is filled with quirky, humorous phrases and expressions that don’t all the time make sense when translated, and may catch language learners off guard.

Witty ice breakers, stinging one-liners or laugh-out-loud humorous phrases. Realizing these will enable you to get extra acquainted with the French language, sound extra like a local and enhance your general proficiency degree.

Right now you’ll be taught in regards to the 29 funniest French expressions you’ve most likely by no means heard of.


“Go Prepare dinner Your self an Egg!” and 28 Different Humorous French Sayings

1. Tomber dans les pommes !

Literal which means: To fall into apples

Translation: To say that somebody has handed out or fainted.

Elle est tombée dans les pommes ! (She fainted!)

2. Être haut comme trois pommes !

Literal which means: To be tall like three apples

Translation: To say that somebody is brief 

It’s a good French approach to say, “You’re vertically challenged,” though it’s normally used to talk about youngsters. 

Vous êtes haut comme trois pommes ! (You’re vertically challenged!)

3. Tu te payes ma poire ?

Literal which means: Are you shopping for your self my pear

Translation: To make enjoyable of somebody 

It’s a French idiomatic expression for “Are you pulling my leg?” and the French additionally flaunt it after they suppose somebody is “making enjoyable,” “taking part in a trick” or making an attempt to “idiot” or “child” them.

Je viens de gagner au loto !   (I simply received the lotto!)

Tu te payes ma poire ? (Are you pulling my leg?)

4. Se fendre la poire

Literal which means: To separate the pear

Translation: To separate one’s sides, as in, to snigger laborious and have a very good time

So if ever you end up laughing and laughing about your Franco-American accent amongst French pals, throw them a fastball by saying:

On se fend la poire là, non ? (We’re having a ball, aren’t we?).

5. Couper la poire en deux

Literal which means: To chop the pear in two 

Translation: Coming to a compromise

The English equal is the saying “assembly midway” and “comply with disagree” . 

Pierre et Jean ont su couper la poire en deux. (Pierre and Jean knew to return to a compromise.)

6. Peau d’orange 

Literal which means: Orange pores and skin

Translation: Expression for saying somebody has cellulite

Elle a de la peau d’orange. (She has cellulite).

7. J’ai la pêche /J’ai la banane

Literal which means: I’ve the peach/banana

Translation: A approach to say feeling nice

It expresses excessive pleasure, which means that you just’re stuffed with vitality as a result of you already know it’s going to be a great day.

T’as la pêche ? (Are you feeling peachy?).

Oui, j’ai la pêche ! (Sure, I’m excited!).

Utilizing a peach or banana is determined by age (banana for an older crowd), however nowadays j’ai la pêche is the favored fruit. 

8. Se prendre une pêche

Literal which means: To take a peach within the face

Translation: To get punched within the face

It’s the French equal of taking a punch within the face. Ensure to keep away from utilizing this phrase in well mannered firm. 

Je me suis pris une pêche dans la gueule. (I acquired socked within the face.) or (I acquired punched within the face.)

9. Ramener sa fraise 

Literal which means: Brings their strawberry

Translation: To butt in 

It’s the French approach to say “nobody requested you”. If you happen to ever end up in a French cafe exchanging language classes, and the waiter or a buddy interrupts with their opinion in your session, stare your studying accomplice straight within the eye and say:

Pourquoi il ramène sa fraise ? (Why is he butting in?)

Il ramène toujours sa fraise ! (He’s all the time butting in!)

10. Sucrer les fraises 

Literal which means: To sugar the strawberries

Translation: “sugar rush” or “to have the jitters/shakes” 

That is typically used to discuss with the shakes that previous of us typically have, in a extra tender and endearing method.

Elle sucrait les fraises. (She had the jitters).

11. Prendre une prune

Literal which means: To take a plum or get a plum

Translation: A parking ticket, a visitors violation or any tremendous

Désolé d’être arrivé en retard, mais j’ai pris une prune ! (Sorry for arriving late, however I acquired a ticket!).

12. Faire quelque selected pour des prunes

Literal which means: To do one thing for plums

Translation: To say it’s not value it, or “to do one thing for nothing”

Since plums are an plentiful fruit of France, and pruning them is a low-paying job, you may see why doing one thing for plums is the French equal of doing one thing for nothing.

J’en ai marre, je travaille pour des prunes. (I’m irritated, I’m working for nothing).

13. Se presser le citron

Literal which means: To squeeze a lemon

Translation: To select one’s mind, brainstorm or to wrack one’s mind

Je me suis pressé le citron. (I’ve wracked my mind).

The citron (lemon) is your mind!

14. Presser quelqu’un comme un citron

Literal which means: To squeeze somebody like a lemon

Translation: To “push somebody’s buttons” or to take advantage of them to the utmost till they pop or freak out

On this case, the “lemon” is an individual’s degree of persistence.

Arrête de me presser comme un citron ! (Cease pushing my buttons!).

15. Mi-figue mi-raisin

Literal which means: Half fig, half grape

Translation: To say sure and no

It’s a French phrase for having blended emotions or how English audio system would idiomatically say, “neither fish nor fowl.”

Que penses-tu de notre nouveau patron ? (What do you consider our new boss?).

Mi-figue mi-raisin. (So, so).

16. En faire tout un fromage

Literal which means: Make a complete cheese out of it

Translation: To make an enormous deal of one thing trivial

Je n’en reviens pas qu’il ait fait tout un fromage pour une erreur si minuscule ! (I can’t imagine he made such an enormous deal of such a tiny mistake!)

17. Aller se faire cuire un œuf 

Literal which means: Go prepare dinner your self an egg

Translation: Cease being annoying/minimize it out

This expression is principally used whenever you’re bored with somebody’s conduct and simply need her or him to drop the act and cease bothering you.

J’en ai marre ! Va te faire cuire un œuf ! (I’m getting sick of it! Lower it out!)

It’s a impolite phrase that’s solely utilized in acquainted contexts. 

18. Avoir un chat dans la gorge

Literal which means: To have a cat within the throat

Translation: To have a sore throat

In case your French buddy ever tells you he has un chat dans la gorge (a cat within the throat) with a hoarse voice, it is best to give him some sizzling lemon water with honey. 

Il a un chat dans la gorge. (He has a sore throat).

19. Casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu’un

Literal which means: Breaking sugar on somebody’s again

Translation: Speaking badly of somebody behind his/her again

Michel est venu à la fête d’hier soir et n’a pas arrêté de casser du sucre sur le dos de Fabrice. (Michel got here to yesterday evening’s get together and wouldn’t cease speaking badly about Fabrice behind his again).

20. Faire la grasse matinée

Literal which means: Do the fatty morning

Translation: Sleep in

Usually, one would faire la grasse matinée on weekends or trip, when waking up early for all times’s strenuous obligations isn’t a necessity.

J’ai envie de profiter de mon week-end. Je pense que je vais faire la grasse matinée demain matin. (I need to get pleasure from my weekend. I believe I’m going to sleep in tomorrow morning.)

21. Vouloir le beurre et l’argent du beurre

Literal which means: Wanting the butter and the butter’s cash

Translation: Wanting every thing 

This expression can be the French equal of “eager to have your cake and eat it too.”

Vouloir le beurre, l’argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière.  (Wanting the butter, the butter’s cash and the ass of the dairywoman.)

You may hear it out of your drunk French uncle at a household dinner however you’d be clever to not use it in considerably formal settings!

22. Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter

Literal which means: Having different cats to whip

Translation: Having extra vital or urgent issues to do

It’s the equal of the expression “to produce other fish to fry.”

Il a d’autres chats à fouetter. (He has higher issues to do.)

23. Revenir à ses moutons

Literal which means: To return to 1’s sheep

Translation: To return to the preliminary level of the dialog

For example, if you happen to’re selecting your buddy’s mind for her opinion on the romcom you simply noticed, and she or he by some means will get occurring a tangent about tea pricing methods in Venezuela, you may need to inform her to:

Reviens à tes moutons ! (return to the preliminary level!)

24. Péter plus haut que son cul

Literal which means: To fart larger than one’s personal ass

Translation: To behave in a pretentious method

Extra exactly, it means appearing in a pretentious method and coveting a social standing or state of affairs out of attain given one’s lack of abilities or motivation.

Ma tante Debbie pète vraiment plus haut que son cul ! (My aunt Debbie actually is filled with herself!).

25. Je crève la dalle

Literal which means: Bursting the rock

Translation: To say “I’m ravenous”  

Its origins come from a phrase, “se rincer la dalle,” that previously meant “to drink a whole lot of alcohol.” “La dalle” is outlined immediately as a slab of rock, and “crever” is a verb meaning “to burst or puncture.”

The English equal is “I’m so hungry I may eat a horse!” It’s a standard phrase to speak that you just want meals—and also you want it now!

“On va où pour le déjeuner ?”

(“The place are we going for lunch?”)

“Ça m’est égal, mais il faut qu’on se dépêche, je crève la dalle !”

(“It doesn’t matter to me, however let’s hurry, as a result of I’m ravenous!”)

26. Ne pas y aller avec le dos de la cuillère

Literal which means: To not go at it with the again of the spoon

Translation: To make no bones about one thing, to not pull any punches, to not sugarcoat it

The French use the imagery on this saying, which comes from the nineteenth century, to speak that somebody does one thing with out utilizing warning, oftentimes whereas they’re appearing rudely. 

It means to behave bluntly and intentionally. This is applicable for the way in which individuals might act or the way in which they could talk.

Elle était très franche… Elle n’y va pas avec le dos de la cuillère ! (She was very sincere…she didn’t pull any punches!)

27. Donner de la confiture aux cochons

Literal which means: To present jam to the pigs

Translation: To present one thing to somebody who inevitably wouldn’t admire it

Proverb turned idiom, it’s now used to specific an motion that isn’t value your time. The English equal is “to throw pearls earlier than swine”. This saying is used to discuss with giving one thing to somebody who inevitably wouldn’t admire it, simply as pigs don’t admire the home made jam you so kindly handled them with.

Mais non, il s’en fiche, c’est comme donner de la confiture aux cochons. (No, he doesn’t care. It will be like throwing pearls earlier than swine.)

28. Les chiens ne font pas des chats

Literal which means: Canine don’t make cats

Translation: To specific how households are sometimes comparable to one another

For instance, whenever you start to develop the habits your mom has that used to hassle you a lot as a baby, your boyfriend may snigger and say, “Les chiens ne font pas des chats.” 

The English equal can be saying “The apple doesn’t fall removed from the tree.”

Oui, les chiens ne font pas des chats. (Yeah, the apple doesn’t fall removed from the tree!)

29. Courir le guilledou

Literal which means: To run

Translation: To chase skirts, to womanize, to philander

The phrase means to pursue new adventures, ideally adventures with a whole lot of shenanigans and ladies. 

“Courir” means “to run,” and “le guilledou” originates from the verb guiller,” which means “to trick or deceive.” “Le guilledou” is out of fee within the French language, solely possessing which means within the context of this phrase!

Il est où, James ?(“The place’s James?”)

“Oh, je ne sais pas, je suppose qu’il courtroom le guilledou.” (“No concept. I’m certain he’s out chasing skirts.”)

Why Study Humorous French Phrases?

It’s a breath of recent air in your studying journey. 

I believe we are able to agree that studying is method, method simpler when it’s really enjoyable and pleasing. Though this looks like a no brainer, it’s vital to bear in mind as you progress.

It’s straightforward to attempt going too far, too shortly, notably in the case of language studying.

The answer? Break the monotonous nature of your studying journey with humorous French phrases!

Chuckle, have enjoyable, have a great time. That’s why we’re studying new languages within the first place.

You’ll be studying actual French. 

As you’re most likely conscious, the form of French that’s spoken in on a regular basis dialog in France is commonly fairly totally different from the formal stuff in your textbook.

The French language is filled with slang, idioms and sure, quirky expressions as effectively.

And what higher approach to converse actual French than understanding about France’s most eccentric (and genuine) phrases?

It’ll make for excellent dialog openers. 

With the ability to talk your ideas in a transparent method in French is one thing that it is best to attempt for, and one thing that’ll ultimately make you actually fluent.

Clearly, practising your talking abilities is one thing that requires two individuals. Therefore why witty dialog openers come in useful!

Breaking the ice with a typical, humorous French phrase will make you the focal point and enable you to get higher at talking French.

Most probably French individuals can be impressed by your information of their nation’s funniest phrases and expressions. And you may go from there!


Sprinkling sayings like these into French conversations could make you’re feeling extra pure and comfortable.

The extra you add, the extra seasoned of a speaker you’ll be!
