Home Language Learning 25 of the Coolest Phrases to Know in English

25 of the Coolest Phrases to Know in English

25 of the Coolest Phrases to Know in English


The English language is different, stunning, and generally complicated with its inclusion of non-phonetically spelled phrases and complicated grammatical guidelines. Nevertheless, it additionally has many uncommon and funky phrases with cool meanings to find.

Right here, we dive into a few of our favourite phrases, with definitions and examples.

What’s a cool phrase?

What makes a phrase cool is subjective, however they’re usually synonymous with attention-grabbing or distinctive phrases. Cool phrases within the English language will be phonetically intriguing, have an uncommon which means, or be spelled in a shocking means.

25 cool phrases to know in English

Whether or not you need to add uncommon phrases to your lexicon or are writing your debut novel, right here’s a listing of 25 distinctive and delightful phrases.


Pronounced: a-bruh-kuh-DA-bruh
A part of speech: noun
That means: A command or incantation that’s spoken by magicians to enact a magic trick

He stated, “Abracadabra” and doves flew out of his prime hat!


Pronounced: uh-MUHK
A part of speech: adverb
That means: A violent and uncontrolled frenzy

The canine ran amok everywhere in the home, splattering the carpet and couch with mud.

Amok could be a difficult phrase to spell and has one other model, amuck, which isn’t used as generally.


Pronounced: uh-NEH-muh-nee
A part of speech: noun
That means: A genus of perennials with engaging flowers within the buttercup household of vegetation

Within the backyard mattress alongside the entrance yard, I believe Japanese anemones would complement the colour of the home.


Pronounced: BROO-haa-haa
A part of speech: noun
That means: A commotion or uproar

The newest firm announcement stirred a brouhaha amongst members of the crew.


Pronounced: kuh-LIE-uh-pee
A part of speech: noun
That means: The Greek muse of epic poetry. It may possibly additionally describe an organ-like musical instrument.

It’s as if Calliope herself guided my hand as I wrote.


Pronounced: klan-DEH-stin
A part of speech: adjective
That means: One thing carried out in secret

The traditional books revealed the existence of a clandestine society with mystical powers.


Pronounced: DAH-pul-gang-er
A part of speech: noun
That means: A double of an individual; having a eager resemblance between two in any other case unrelated individuals.

I noticed Eloise’s doppelgänger on the grocery retailer yesterday.


Pronounced: EER-wig
A part of speech: verb
That means: To whisper in somebody’s ear as a method to influence or irritate them

Her daughter adopted her round the home, repeating the earwig: “We should always undertake the cat.”


Pronounced: yoo-FORE-ee-uh
A part of speech: noun
That means: An intense feeling of elation, pleasure, or pleasure

Her euphoria after being accepted into medical faculty was so nice that she couldn’t sit nonetheless.


Pronounced: FI-sti-kuhfs
A part of speech: plural noun
That means: A bodily combat or altercation utilizing fists

The verbal argument escalated to fisticuffs as passersby recorded the confrontation.


Pronounced: GIZ-moe
A part of speech: noun
That means: A phrase to explain a small machine or gadget whose identify is unknown

The inventor confirmed off his newest gizmo, a pocket-sized contraption that interprets canine vocalizations into human language.


Pronounced: GAH-suh-mr
A part of speech: noun
That means: One thing delicate or insubstantial

The gossamer spiderweb was stretched between three branches.


Pronounced: HAAJ-paaj
A part of speech: noun
That means: A mixture or jumble of assorted objects

The potluck was a hodgepodge of flavors, from spaghetti to pan-fried pork dumplings.


Pronounced: KIZ-met
A part of speech: noun
That means: Preordained by a power of destiny or future

Encountering them felt like kismet—had I not gotten out of sophistication early, I by no means would have wandered into that bookstore, bumping into them.

Some who describes love at first sight may additionally take into account it a matter of kismet.


Pronounced: muh-LAR-kee
A part of speech: noun
That means: Talking foolishness, nonsense, or insincerely

He dismissed the gross sales affiliate’s claims as malarkey, doubting their truthfulness.


Pronounced: oomf
A part of speech: noun
That means: A colloquial phrase to explain vitality or affect

The singer’s efficiency lacked oomph, leaving a lull within the viewers’s vitality.


Pronounced: port-MAN-toe
A part of speech: noun
That means: A mix of two or extra phrases or phrase elements

Enjoyable reality: Brunch isn’t solely the most effective mealtime of the week, it’s additionally a portmanteau of “breakfast” and “lunch.”


Pronounced: JA-bur-waa-kee
A part of speech: noun
That means: Meaningless or nonsensical made-up language or phrases.

The toddler entertained everybody with jabberwocky that solely she might perceive.


Pronounced: muh-KAAB
A part of speech: adjective
That means: One thing ugly, unsettling or disturbing, usually involving demise

The deserted home had a macabre environment, with damaged home windows and deteriorating roof.

In all probability originating from the Previous French phrase macabé, it’s on our prime record of spookiest phrases.


Pronounced: NOE-muhn-klay-chr
A part of speech: noun
That means: The method of naming; a system or set of phrases and symbols in a sure subject of examine.

Dr. Owens meticulously studied the nomenclature of hen species, so each is precisely categorised and named in keeping with the brand new requirements.


Pronounced: PEE-wee
A part of speech: noun
That means: Small in dimension, notably a small baby

Jeanie loves her peewee soccer crew and appears ahead to observe on daily basis.


Pronounced: KWI-bl
A part of speech: verb
That means: To complain or fixate on a trivial or small element to keep away from the primary level of an argument  

As a substitute of addressing our deeper communication points, he quibbled over the marinara sauce.



A part of speech: adjective
That means: A exact and typical illustration of one thing or somebody

He was the epitome of a quintessential New Yorker—overtly weaving via oncoming visitors.



A part of speech: noun
That means: A cone-shaped shadow brought on by an opaque object blocking the sunshine from a single supply

When the photo voltaic eclipse started, these of us within the umbra really felt the air get cooler.



A part of speech: noun
That means: Sometimes, a youngster or baby with distinctive expertise or talent in a selected subject

The younger level guard was thought-about a wunderkind, impressing faculty basketball recruiters with their sharp ball-handling.

Incorporating cool phrases into your writing

Increase your phrase financial institution by weaving these uncommon phrases into your subsequent writing challenge or by utilizing them in on a regular basis dialog. If you happen to come throughout a phrase that sounds stunning, has an surprising which means, or is spelled in a shocking means, add it to your individual private record of cool phrases to attract from whereas writing.
